Our Certifications
The annual certification of the following standards is evidence that we consistently live and implement our commitment to quality and continuous improvement.
The Path to Proven Quality and Continuous Improvement
ISO 9001 is globally synonymous with top-tier Quality Management Systems (QMS). As a pivotal standard, it defines clear requirements that organisations must meet not only to fulfil their customers’ expectations but also to uphold relevant legal and regulatory standards. This standard pursues a dual claim: It not only assures the quality of products and services but also contributes to continuous optimisation.
For us, ISO 9001:2015 certification is not a marketing tool, moreover it is an essential working tool to continuously improve and to be challenged regularly.
International Standard for Customer Contact Centres
ISO 18295, is divided into two essential segments, defines global standards and requirements for customer contact centres. It provides comprehensive guidelines not only for operating contact centres in an efficient, customer-oriented manner but also for ensuring consistent quality and professionalism when their services are used.
Welcome to GoodPriv@cy®
Your emblem for excellent data protection! Since 2018, GoodPriv@cy® has been not only a brand but also a promise, anchored and protected according to Article 21 of the Federal Act of 28 August 1992 on the Protection of Trademarks and Indications of Source (MSchG). This seal of quality distinguishes companies and products that stand out through exemplary implementation in the areas of data protection and information security.
ISO 27001 Auditor

The CCC has 2 certified ISO 27001 auditors.